the BORIKéN forest reservation PROJECT

To contribute with humility, respect and dedication to the conservation of our mother nature in fulfillment of the stewardship of creation in Borikén. Protect and conserve the natural environment of our flora and fauna. Promote and sustain the practice of agroforestry as a mode of agricultural development. Organize and support farmers to strengthen community agriculture. Educate the next generations in the love of Mother Earth and in the dignity of its cultivation by expanding their agricultural knowledge and skills.
We envision our homeland as a country with self-sustaining and ecological agriculture. We see a new country where healthy coexistence, peace and cooperation prevail. We look forward to contributing with whole-hearted dedication to environmental protection and conservation of Puerto Rico
In 2021, El Grito received 29 acres of land from Nelson W. Canals, a former City College professor and journalist. Twenty-nine acres of that land, at an altitude of 1000 feet above sea level, were donated to El Grito and currently infrastructure is being built to allow youth from the island and the diaspora to visit these natural open spaces and learn hands-on environmentalism, reforestation, and reconnect with nature. Students will be able to explore new areas of knowledge about the forest, ecology, biodiversity, and nature. They will be encouraged to explore communal solutions to economic, social, and cultural challenges like community gardens, farming, and energy self-sufficiency. This means thinking through solutions to climate change and food justice.

Hurricane Maria destroyed our forests. Forest vegetation is vital for the conservation of soil and water. The cultivation of food plants is closely linked to the health of forests. We have to develop a massive movement to reforest the watersheds and the countryside in general. In our first phase, we propose to start an agroforestry project in the forest of the Sierra de la Pandura in the Quebradilla Community in Yabucoa.
Although we have already acquired various equipment and tools, we still need other equipment and a vehicle for the transportation and hauling of materials and products. We need to drill a well to install a running water system. Also, we need a solar electrical system. We humbly request a donation of funds necessary to meet those needs.